Living the Good Life
Articles, podcasts and videos all about living well
Freelance Revolution
For many people, ‘good enough’ work is not, well, good enough. They want to wake up excited for the day ahead and use their talents fully.
Growth Seekers
I am committing to effortful growth. I can’t achieve perfection right away, but I can start where I am and work to improve, digesting the challenge nibble by nibble.
A sceptic’s tentative foray into meditation
When I’m riddled with worries, I keep trying to ‘fix’ the feelings with mental effort. But it hasn’t been working for me in, well, forever.
Stressed! Thoughts, Emotions and Tigers
The problem is not the stress response itself, as we have feedback mechanisms to restore equilibrium. The problem is our culture.
Self-esteem – it’s not really about you at all
I was very surprised when a friend recently told me I have the highest self-esteem of anyone she’s ever met.
The Surprising Benefits of Positive Emotions
The Role of Positive Emotions Positive emotions don’t just feel good in the moment.