Make a Change: Group Coaching Programme

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Make a Change

Group Coaching Programme

Figure out your new direction in work and life through a supportive, interactive group coaching programme


Weekly | 6 weeks


2 hours


Ask for a quote

About the programme

Figure out your new direction in work and life through supportive, interactive group coaching activities facilitated by Positive Psychology Coach, Lorna Lythgoe.

Meet weekly with fellow meaning-seekers who want to craft balanced and successful lives, careers and businesses. Feel authentic and alive again!

Workshops are filled with coaching activities to help you gain personal insight, action planning, tools and tips to get over hurdles, and achievable weekly actions to apply between sessions.

Receive a course companion guide featuring session summaries and activities and extra self-study resources (included in course fees).

What’s it like in class?

This lively interactive course for adults is designed to be enjoyable, personally developmental and – we strongly believe – life-changing!

We give you loads of opportunities to get to know each other and really connect in a warm, relaxed atmosphere by mixing up the discussion groups.

Your Teacher

Your teacher, Good Life School Founder, Coach, and Psychotherapist, Lorna Lythgoe, has over 20 years’ experience in adult education and makes sure sessions are dynamic and engaging!

Course Overview | 6-week programme

Identify your strengths, values and passions

Create a powerful vision of where you want to go

Strategise how to get there, flexibly

Learn techniques for overcoming doubt and fear

Run small experiments in your new direction

Plan how to bounce back from failure

Get ready to launch!


Book this workshop for your organisation

“I really think the value in this is the sharing and the talking….I feel a common humanity. Previously I was feeling quite disconnected and it’s made me feel a lot better”

Mel Berard

Course participant

Upcoming Workshops