Feeling Good: The Science of Everyday Resilience

Feeling Good
The Science of everyday resilience
Learn why and how stress affects mood and outlook, and explore everyday antidotes
Weekly | 6 weeks
2 hours
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About the course
Learn how and why our mood, mind and body are affected by the stressful world we live in and discover effective, sustainable ways to build long-term resilience for a calmer, happier and more enjoyable life.
Develop knowledge and skills through videos, discussions and activities, and apply these to your everyday life through achievable weekly actions.
Receive a course companion guide featuring session summaries and activities and extra self-study resources (included in course fees).
What’s it like in class?
This lively interactive course for adults is designed to be informative, uplifting and personally developmental.
We give you loads of opportunities to get to know each other and really connect in a warm, relaxed atmosphere by mixing up the discussion groups.
Your Teacher
Your teacher, Good Life School Founder, Positive Psychology Coach, and Psychotherapist, Lorna Lythgoe, has over 20 years’ experience in adult education and makes sure sessions are dynamic and engaging!
Course Overview
This evidence-based programme draws on up to date social-psychology, neuroscience and mental health research.
Session 1 – Stress Response
Learn about what stress actually is, why we experience it and how it affects us, and discuss the implications of this in our lives.
Session 2 – Emotions
Learn about the function and value of positive and so-called negative emotions, and discuss how to harness the benefit of the positive emotions we experience daily to soothe our stress response.
Session 3 – People
Learn why we are wired to connect and explore how to feel good through generating and noticing micro-moments of human connection with anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Session 4 – Thoughts
Learn about what’s happening in our brains when they process complex information and ‘worries’, and discuss ways of calming busy minds.
Session 5 – Self
Learn about how the stressful dissonance between our authentic selves and the demands of cultural programming can be dissolved, and explore being you.
Session 6 – Resilience, Hope & Possibility
Take stock of what we’ve learned on this course and use the final session to identify and develop our personal resources to look to the future and thrive.
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